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July 08, 2022 2 min read

As a parent, when you find something that is super helpful to your family you gotta share about it! That's how I feel at least. ;)

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Well, today I am sharing about one of the most useful items we have found for our young tween/teens that are learning about handling money...Greenlight!  Continue reading to hear why we love it, or if you know you want to try it you can use the link hereto get your first month free! (only $4.99 a month after that) 

Greenlight is a kid friendly debit card that is used alongside a parent app. As a parent you can add and remove money, set up chores/allowances with automatic payments, transfer money easily between the parent and child "wallet" and even have money sent straight to savings! 

We have been using Greenlightfor almost 3 years, and I will admit I was a bit skeptical when my husband first told me about it. It seemed like something "too old" for a kid to have. But after hearing him out and realizing we only have a small window of time where our kids are under our roof to train them up to make smart money decisions I was totally on board. To be clear this will work for your family whether you are a regular "allowance family" a "kids get paid to do chores family" or not! 

I have even been in a situation where I forgot my wallet at home and my daughter saved the day with her Greenlight card haha. 

We as a family have decided to have our kids get their own Greenlightcard on their 10th birthday. With our 3rd just turning 10 he was counting down the days until he got his own card! It's been so fun seeing him think through purchases, and actually has been more interested in saving his money than spending it, which was not the case for him with cash. 

My daughter even had the opportunity to be interviewed by Greenlightand share about her business she started up in 2020 selling her cord cuties! She's been able to keep track of all of her spending, and start up her own savings account on her Greenlight through her earnings! Shout out, you can check her stuff out here;) 

What about you? Have you tried Greenlight? If so I would love to hear if your family benefited from it! 

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