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October 29, 2019 1 min read

Something we have been talking a lot about as a family lately is service

There are many things your family can "be about" and for us serving others is definitely on the top of that list. We also recognize that thinking of others needs is not something that comes naturally. (I will admit it seems to come more naturally to some than others, where are my enneagram 2's at??) but for most of us it takes work and practice. 

So the other day I started working on a little print off for our kids, "How to be a Helping Ninja." I find that work is always more fun when you turn it into a game.  Many years ago two of my kids had talked about being "sneaky helpers" at church. Basically given the task to try and do something helpful in your house without being seen, and it really stuck with me. I thought I would take that and make it into a fun activity. 

The idea behind it is to teach kids that no matter your size or age there are ways that you are equipped to help others. And that you do not need to be in the spotlight when you are serving. That one can be tough for me ;) 

Feel free to save this image and print it off for you and your own children to enjoy! 

My favorite part is that the last rectangle can be cut off and left behind after you have helped someone so that that person can continue the process and help someone else. :)


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